Where is Pulau Kapas Located?

Pulau Kapas is located at Marang, Terengganu. Literary translates to Cotton Island. The best month to travel to Kapas island is from April to November

How to get to Pulau Kapas from KL ?

You can take a public transportation to Kuala Terengganu , and then travel to Kapas Marang Jetty. Kapas Marang is around 30 minutes away from the heart of Kuala Terengganu

Which Jetty to Pulau Kapas ?

Marang Jetty is the main Jetty that is used to get to Pulau Kapas or Pulau Gemia. This jetty should not be mistaken as Merang Jetty that has a very similar name that is located 2 hours away, which goes to other islands such as Redang, Lang Tengah.  Tickets can be bought at the Jetty Counter.   If you are driving here , there are plenty of parking space that is monitored. The parking here cost RM 9 per night.

Marang jetty boat schedule

The first boat starts at 9am and the last boat depart at 5pm. So plan your trip properly as you should reach the jetty before 5pm where the last boat departs.


Boat from Marang Jetty



1pm * (Not available on Friday)





Boat from Kapas Island/Gemia island




3.30pm * (Not available on Friday)



Sometimes boat will just depart if there are enough head counts.


Boat Company Operating at Kapas Marang Jetty

Suria link   +6019 9839454

Pulau Kapas MGH boat service  016 9225454

Kapas Marine  601155043966

Perza boat service  0139155979

LongSha Camping and boat service  60199662968

Distance from Kuala Lumpur

Approximately 5 hours drive with a car. The official address is Marang Tourist Jetty, Marang , Malaysia


Ticket Price

RM 40 per person (2 ways)